
Dr Chris Hughes is a distinguished academic and researcher known for his contributions to the fields of computer science, immersive media, and accessibility. He currently holds the position of Director of Computer Science and Engineering at Salford University, where he has been instrumental in shaping the curriculum and driving innovation in engineering education.

Throughout his career, he has held various research positions, including roles at Bangor University and the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Research and Development, where he focused on projects involving medical simulation, virtual environments, and responsive design for subtitles.

His expertise in accessibility and immersive media led to his involvement in several prestigious projects, such as the EU H2020 Immersive Accessibility Project and the EU COST Action 19142: LEAD-ME, where he explored new frontiers in integrating accessibility services with immersive technologies.

In addition to his research endeavors, he is deeply committed to education and has played a pivotal role in designing and coordinating modules in computer science, including Computer Graphics and Mobile Development. He has received recognition for his teaching excellence. In acknowledgment of his outstanding contributions to research, he has also been honored with the Vice Chancellor's Research Excellence Award.

His contributions extend beyond academia, as evidenced by his involvement in industry partnerships and consultancy projects. Notable among these are Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) projects aimed at leveraging data science and machine learning for impactful solutions in various domains.

A prolific author, he has published extensively in reputable journals and conferences, covering topics ranging from immersive captioning to artificial intelligence and data analytics. His work has been widely cited and has garnered recognition from peers and experts in the field.

Beyond his academic and research pursuits, he is actively involved in promoting accessibility and inclusivity in technology. He has participated in numerous workshops, conferences, and invited talks, advocating for accessible design principles and innovative solutions in immersive media.

His dedication to advancing technology for the betterment of society underscores his status as a leading figure in the field of computer science and engineering. His interdisciplinary approach, coupled with his passion for accessibility, continues to drive positive change in academia, industry, and beyond.